"I became aware of Victims Services on April 7, 2003, when my teenage daughter and I were supported by two complete strangers at the most devastating time of our lives. Volunteers came to our home with a compassionate RCMP officer who had the difficult task of informing us that our husband/father was found dead that morning.
The volunteers provided us with non-judgmental emotional and crisis support, knew what to say in the moment, had the confidence to listen and let silence fill the air and provided much-needed follow-up support. I firmly believe the work of the volunteers contributed to our ability to survive and thrive!
I knew in the back of my mind that what we experienced was an unusual and altruistic gift – I
would need to find out more about this victim assistance group. I certainly did find out more!
I was so touched and impressed by the work of our local victim service unit that I submitted my application and started as a volunteer in 2004, was hired part-time the following year and in
2007 was honored when our Board of Directors offered me the Program Managers position!
Little did I know what I was getting myself into and I have to say, it’s been the most exciting ride of my life! Our life-altering experience led me to the most rewarding and honorable career I could never have imagined.
I have also had the great honour of serving as the Association’s President for the last 2 years which has continued to give me the opportunity to nurture the important partnerships and relationships we have with Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, the RCMP and our municipal partners. Moving the Association forward and supporting the local victim service units, their staff and volunteers has been yet another way of supporting those that matter most, victims of crime and tragedy.
And to the volunteers who gave me the strength to move forward – you will forever hold a very special place in my heart!"
Lori Rehill
President, Alberta Police-Based Victim Services Association
Executive Director, Airdrie and District Victim Assistant Society
“A call from a Domestic Violence victim with her two children also threatened: Thank you so much for everything that you did and Victim Services in Jasper Alberta for us. I am happy to say that I have safely arrived back in …, I flew in last night and am staying with my Father and my Step-Mom. So we are surrounded by family and we are safe, and I am again so unbelievably grateful for everything that the RCMP and Victim Services did for us in Jasper. …I just wanted to call and say thank you and let you know that we are back in …, and safe.”
- Anonymous